Each day, we will be posting some of the highlights on Facebook and Twitter from the day. Below are the prophetic and powerful quotes/tweets from Monday, May 21st. Search #Homiletics2018 on Twitter and Facebook for more. Or visit our social media pages on Twitter and Facebook.
"Has it become difficult to breathe? Suffocated by the fear that has convinced you, who are you to preach God's love? But there are no empty promises when it comes to Jesus. Jesus shows up. Jesus breathes into you the Holy Spirit." @karoline_lewis #Homiletics2018
— Stacey NaleanCarlson (@staceyjnc) May 21, 2018
“The primary sermon is creation. Why do we insist on starting with Genesis 3?” Richard Rohr #Homiletics2018
— Dr. Karoline Lewis (@karoline_lewis) May 22, 2018
When we DON'T preach politics- people will make claims about God to fill our void.
— Rev. Jenna (@PastorJenna) May 21, 2018
We can't afford this. #Homiletics2018
We cannot sesperate God from city, community, state or government… when we don’t speak about the political in the pulpit others will make claim about God and the Bible to fill our silence and our void. Our community and country is at stake. @karoline_lewis #Homiletics2018
— suck a time as this (@arevcalledwest) May 21, 2018