The Bridge for Early Career Preachers

The Bridge for Early Career Preachers seeks to support those who are in their first seven years of congregational ministry and preaching at least one third of the opportunities in a calendar year.

As such, we aspire to serve those who are in a transitional stage, moving from “aspiring” to “active” preachers, setting the stage for long-term growth in preaching ministry. We recognize that those graduating from seminaries and other institutions for theological education graduate with few courses devoted to preaching, and that the week-to-week work of preaching requires significant labor that is disproportionate to that education.

Seminaries cannot teach everything graduating students need to know about preaching, and those entering preaching ministries have few support structures for their specific preaching needs amidst increasing ministry demands. We seek to “bridge” that gap with continuing education, fostering supportive networks, encouragement, and resources.

The Bridge for Early Career Preachers is funded by a generous grant from The Lilly Endowment’s Compelling Preaching Initiative

Christian Century

The Christian Century is a progressive, ecumenical magazine. Committed to thinking critically and living faithfully, the Century explores what it means to believe and live out the Christian faith in our time.

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