Sojourners Presentation: “Protecting Imago Dei in an Election Year”
Sojourners is a founding member and co-leader of Faiths United to Save Democracy, a nonpartisan, multi-racial, multi-faith, and multigenerational voter protection campaign rooted in the belief that everyone is made in the image of God and deserves the freedom to vote. Join Sojourners President Rev. Adam Taylor and Director of Racial Justice Rev. Moya Harris […]
Pause & Reflect: Expressive Art
Try something new and join for a facilitated creative, expressive art exercise! Lead Minister Elisabeth Jones from Cedar Park United in Quebec sums her experience up well: “If you get a chance, DO this! The exercise—which includes gentle but clear disorientation, and moving out of brain to gut and heart—was a powerful form of self-expression […]
Workshop: “Preaching From the Heart: Reconciliation in a Polarized Society”
Morning Liturgy & Music
Led by Dr. Donna Giver-Johnston, festival liturgist.
Afternoon Break
Workshop: “Homiletical Self-Care When Every Text Is Out to Get You”
Pause & Reflect: Taizé Prayer in the Chapel
Led by Rev. BJ Woodworth. Join us for Taizé! A time of prayerful song and quiet meditation. Allow the spaciousness of the chapel, the icons, the dim lighting, the Taizé community chants, and the silence itself to hold you and give you peace as we “center down… sit quietly… and see oneself pass by” (Howard […]
Workshop: The Difference It Makes to Block a Text
Workshop: “When God Became White”
Interview: Karoline Lewis with Pádraig Ó Tuama
Lecture: “Power, Control, and Story”
“The author of a story cannot control a story’s power to reveal,” Terrence Tilley wrote (Story Theology, Liturgical Press, 1995). In this session, Pádraig Ó Tuama will explore the inconvenient edges of narratives that disrupt preaching, teaching and conclusion, the edges that offer fray, the unmendable tears and the windows that open themselves to slant […]