Wednesday (May 15) Highlights

Wednesday was full of deep insights shared by passionate leaders, preachers, and scholars.
For In Person Attendees: Restaurant/Businesses in downtown Minneapolis

Time to make some plans for lunch and dinner
What You’re Saying About #Homiletics2022

You all have been great at chronicling the 2022 Festival online! Read this thorough write-up of the Festival from Mitch Randall of Good Faith Media. Pulpit Fiction Podcast created tweet threads from several sermons/lectures. Check out #Homiletics2022 for more and thank you for being such participatory festival-goers. With gratitude, FoH staff (only a fraction of […]
Friday Highlights and Takeaways

Friday morning we heard from Joy J. Moore and Bishop Robert Wright The 2022 Festival of Homiletics included participants from all over the world! We’d love to hear what stood out most for you. Thank you to all who have been sharing their thoughts on social media #Homiletics2022 Here are some more great photos from […]
Workshop and Lecture Slides and Resources

Richard Ward workshop slides (PDF) from Tuesday 5/17 workshop entitled, “How Does a Biblical Story Heal?” – Luke 8:26-39 Slides from Kimberly Wagner’s lecture (PDF), excerpted from Fractured Ground: Preaching in the Wake of Mass Trauma, by Kimberly Wagner, Westminster John Knox Press, 2023. Politically Divided Congregations curriculum referred to by Moya Harris on Wednesday […]
Thursday Highlights

There were many reactions on #Homiletics2022
Worship Leaders

Photo credits for all blog posts to Keith Spencer of Church Event Photography The multitude of worship services at the Festival are not only comprised of sermons. We give thanks for all of the liturgists and musicians who are leading worship (even those who are difficult to capture on camera). Same Cloth – Joslyn Ford-Keel […]
Wednesday Highlights

Where are you from? Festival attendees attending in person or online dropped pins on a global map: Add yourself by going to: Some of us even have our pets joining us! Did you struggle to decide whether to attend Trinity or Central for worship? (Those of us online can toggle back and forth!) Liturgist […]
Tuesday Highlights

Whether you started Day 2 with yoga or in some other way, there was excitement in the air. The Many are on their way! Our liturgist DR. Kelly Sherman-Conroy took a selfie of those physically worshiping at Trinity this morning. Vashti Murphy McKenzie led worship and Thema S. Bryant lectured at Central Presbyterian Church Traci […]
Monday Highlights

The first hybrid Festival of Homiletics has begun! Monday afternoon and evening we registered in person: Or settled into our remote locations for the Festival online: During the online Working Preacher Books podcast discussion, participants resonated with Real People, Real Faith author Cindy Halvorson’s encouragement to enter Biblical stories from the perspective of supporting characters, […]
Workshop Handouts: Robert Wicks
2022 Festival of Homiletics handouts include: Robert Wicks Lecture: “Riding the Dragon: Preventing Secondary Stress in Ministry” Access the PDF on Relevant Books by the Presenter
Welcome to the Festival of Homiletics 2022: Preaching After the Storm
Preachers, we are confronting a collective trauma and we have yet to realize fully its global, national, ecclesial, and individual effects. There’s no going back to life before the storm. So what does our preaching need to be and do going forward? If COVID-19 has taught us anything homiletically, it’s that trauma should be a […]
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Take a look at this year’s Festival sponsors, and access our online marketplace! Festival Sponsors The Online Marketplace We are so grateful for our wonderful sponsors! They make the Festival of Homiletics possible and bring together many great resources! Check out each sponsor for more, including discount codes where applicable.
Worship bulletins for 2022 Festival

In an effort to reduce paper waste, there are not print versions of the worship bulletins at the 2022 Festival of Homiletics. All bulletin materials will be projected on screens in the worship areas and accessible below for advance printing. You can access all PDF bulletins from this shared Google folder. Note: Wifi will be limited […]
How We’re Handling Covid-19: A Personal Note from Managing Director Dawn Alitz
Dear friends, It’s time to address the elephant in the room… Things are still uncertain with regard to Covid, Omicron, and the world generally. And as someone who is organizing an in-person event, there’s just no way to avoid talking about it. I’d hoped that by now the pandemic would be far behind us. I’d […]