This morning we finalized our map for where Festival participants were joining from this year. Participants attended the virtual Festival from every state in the US, much of Canada, and every continent, except Antarctica (but stay tuned, maybe we can get some participants from there, too)!
As we reflect on this year’s Festival, take a look at some of the resources that were shared this week. These resources include Lisa Cressman’s downloadable PDF available with a sign-up at this link and a chart from Jana Childers’ session available here.
In addition, today Jana Childers shared a set of questions she has titled “Managing the Preacher’s Ego”.
- How often do you start a sermon with “I”
- How reliable is your internal clock? Is the preached sermon often longer than the one you planned?
- How often are your stories, examples, and analogies drawn from your own life (or from the lives of your adorable children)?
- Do your stories paint you in a favorable light? (No, not even subtly)?
- How often does your humor have a quality of over-aggrandizement? Does it call attention to you as a powerful person or important person or authority?
- Are there times that you can admit weakness in terms of the way you embody or deliver the sermon.Do you dominate? Do you loom?
- How do you make space for others’ voices? How can a preacher step aside, share the pulpit, let others have the light and air and space that they need?
- How effective are you at reading listeners’ non-verbals?
- Can you hear yourself?
- Do you ever have a Jack Horner moment?(Little Jack Horner from Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes).
What’s Next?
If you purchased the premium package, you will be able to access the recordings and bonus material by June 1. And if you would like to get the recordings and bonus material, you can still buy them here.
Next year, the Festival will be in Denver, Colorado. Save the date, and see you then!