Today, people made it clear everyone is ready for healing and change.
So this morning we got settled in with our favorite mugs to take it all in.
It was easy to get sentimental about both the past and the future with Anna Carter Florence.
And Traci Blackmon helped carry us from false constructs of perfection toward a reorganized culture of appreciation, necessary for an anti-racist future.
Brian McLaren painted a picture of the pastor as doubter, repeatedly asking “Should this continue?” and reminding us that “Your doubts are not the enemy of faith”.
“Is winter really over?” asked Sam Wells during his sermon.
People resonated with Willie James Jennings, “Speaking Words Against Whiteness: Remapping the Message of Reconciliation”
In conversation with William H. Willimon, Kate Bowler introduced us to anti-self-help, cautioning how prosperity gospel preaching can distort God’s true abundance, and continued presence in our suffering and more absurd moments.
Lulu dressed up to remind us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, mini-pigs (and unicorns) included.
After sharing a powerful exercise for healing through stories, Diana Butler Bass continued interacting with participants, passing on tools and gratitude.