What preacher has not wondered, at least once over the past months and years, how we will keep going? We need our faith tended and our passion for preaching the Gospel nurtured and sustained, now more than ever. Let’s give the Holy Spirit plenty to work with, by committing time to focus on renewal and sustainability, especially in the ways we proclaim the Word.
The 2024 Festival of Homiletics will be a little different from previous years. We will certainly still hear from powerful preachers and lean into the valuable networking that helps us thrive. But we’ll also be creating spaces—in-person and online—for spiritual practices related to listening to the Word in new ways, connecting with one another in healing community, and claiming the rest we deserve in God’s embrace.
For online participants, we’ll have both asynchronous (recorded or written) opportunities for guided spiritual practices, and designated live connection times. In person, there will be a dedicated space for contemplation at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and more room in the schedule so that our pace also reflects the theme of sustainability. Relearn ways to care for your craft of preaching with us and discover new habits to support the preaching life. We will attempt to practice what we preach, together.
Renew, refresh, and recharge with thousands of preachers who understand what you are going through, at the Festival of Homiletics.